2021 OBHBA Spring Golf Tournament Pictures
The 2021 Spring Golf Tournament was quite successful, thanks to our Sponsors and Golf Teams!
And a special thank you to Sea Scapes Golf Links and Dan O'Boyle for hosting our event and helping thigs run so smooth.
PICTURES: #1 Kaye Jones (TowneBank Mortgage) & Penny Stallings (BB&T Mortgage)-Betting Hole. #2 Larry Barker (Towne Insurance Agency)-Hole In One. #3 Joey Austin & Jen Gard (Atlantic Elevators)-Hole In One. #4 Jake Overton (Overton Corporation) & Teammate. #5 David Whitehurst & one of the Kellogg Supply Teams. #6 Blair Meads (Reliant Construction) & Andy Mead. #7 Jim Cerza (Outer Banks Furniture) & Jimmy Cerza. #8 Caliber Home Loans all Ladies Team!. #9 Sunny Berle is the WINNER for the Longest Drive!! #10 New Hole Sponsor Signs, thanks to Print Plus. #11 New Hole Sponsor Banner, thanks to Print Plus. #12 The Hole In One was sponsored by OBX Chevrolet/Buick, with a new Buick as the prize-thanks OBX Chevy/Buick!
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2021 Hole Sponsors
A & B Carpet One Island Woodcrafts LTD
ABC Supply Co. Johns Brothers Security
Atlantic Elevators Kellogg Supply Co.
BB&T Mortgage Kempsville Building Materials
Beach House Flooring & Tile Ken Green & Associates
Beach Realty & Construction OBX One Hour Heating & AC
Blue Linx Building Products Outer Banks Elevator
Boise Cascade Building Products Overton Corporation
Carl Worsley & Associates Pella Window & Door
Coastal Cottage Contracting LLC Prime Source Building Mater.
Cozy Kitchens Group Print Plus
Culpeper Wood Preservers Reliant Construction LLC
CRP Plastics Sea Country Homes OBX LLC
Diamond Hill Plywood Co. Simpson Strong Tie
Dominion NC Energy SoundSide Pools
East Carolina Building Supply Southern Bank
Empire Moulding & Millwork Storm Coast Homes
Feeney The Hillman Group
Florez Design Studios PC Towne Insurance Group
Forrest Seal LLC TowneBank Mortgage
FullTilt Blinds & Shutters TREX
Glasson Tool & Supply Co. Universal Forest Products
Guy C Lee Building Materials
Haddon Homes