2022 OBHBA 1st Quarter Membership Meeting and Board & Officer Installation
The 1st General Membership meeting was held on January 5th at Captain George's. After dinner, several outgoing Board Members were recognized for their incredible service to the Board and Membership: Kaye Jones (pictured), Dave Stormont (pictured) & those that could not attend, Penny Stallings and Tom Haddon.
Certificates of Appreciation were awarded to several Committe Chairs: Kaye Jones-Scholarship, David Whitehurst-Golf, Tom Haddon-Membership, Nathan Neal-Membership, Jonathan Daniels-Parade of Homes and Jay Overton-Legislative.
Kaye Jones,outgoing Board Member, in gratitude and recognition for your service to the OBHBA.
Dave Stormont, outgoing Board Member, in gratitude and recognition for your service to the OBHBA.
(l to r) Mark Martin-2020 Builder of the Year, David Whitehurst-2020 Associate of the Year (Shay DeLuca accepting), Morgan Hanuisk-2020 Rookie of the Year & Jay Overton-2020 President's Award (Jake Overton accepting). Nathan Neal-2021 President's Award, Shay DeLuca-2021 Rookie of the Year, Joey Austin-2021 Associate of the Year & Matt Neal 2021-Builder of the Year.
Dave Stormont swearing in Blair Meads as the 2022 OBHBA President as wife Laura looks on. Laura putting the NAHB Local President's pin on Blair's lapel.
Vaughan Robinson, 2020-2021 OBHBA President addresses the membership for the final time as President. Amazing job and many thanks! Hannah Robinson, placing the NAHB Past Local President's pin on Vaughan's lapel.
Vaughan passing the OBHBA Presidential gavel to Blair.
Blair addressing the Members at the 1st General Membership Meeting of 2022 as the newly installed President.
2022 OBHBA Officers and Board of Directors
The 2022 Outer Banks Home Builders Association Officers & Board of Directors. Seated (left-right) Nathan Neal-Associate VP, Blair Meads-President, David Buchanan-First VP, Matt Neal-Treasurer and not pictured is David Whitehurst-Secretary.
Back Row (left-right) Jake Overton, Mark Martin, Shay DeLuca, Vaughan Robinson-Past President, Brian Smith, Molly Hess, and Joey Austin. Not pictured are Jennifer Adams-Falconer, Mike O'Steen and Jay Overton.